Towards Innovative Remediation in Europe – Chances and Perspectives
Training Type: Conference
Suitable for: Consultants, Developers, Practitioners, Problem holders, Regulators
Provided By: Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Austria
Language: English
Venue: Vienna, Austria
Date(s): 06/11/2007 to 07/11/2007
Abstract submission date: 
Oral presentations requested: No
Poster sessions: No
Activities: Yes
Exhibition: Yes
Pre-conference field trips: No
Technical tours/ site visits: No
Post conference field trips: Yes
Other conference activities: With sustainability issues gaining increasing importance in the general field of environmental technologies, a demand for eco-efficient and cost-effective land remediation arises. Already demonstrated innovative soil and groundwater remediation technologies are promising solutions and may either complement or even be superior to traditional technologies in certain conditions. Countering perceived market barriers for innovative technologies by raising confidence levels of remediation stakeholders and by supporting technology information transfer facilitates more and more efficient implementations of existing innovative soil and groundwater remediation technologies. During this conference, project results from two European projects, EURODEMO and PROMOTE, will be presented, and future activities and directions to accelerate innovation in land remediation will be discussed. A network of national demonstration centres shall be initiated, and the upcoming European Environmental Technologies Verification (ETV) scheme for remediation will be introduced and discussed.
Contact: Dr. Yvonne Spira
Web Link:
Submitted by:  Dr Yvonne Spira  Who does what?